Our journalism explained

The San Diego Union-Tribune's mission is to spread knowledge, build understanding and create opportunity in the communities we serve. We strive to elevate civic discourse through the journalistic pursuit of truth. Fairness, accuracy and honesty are our fundamental values.
In this guide, you will find the definitions and guidelines that govern our work.

Aspects of Real News
  • An honest account of actual events, true facts and real people, usually including the perspectives of a diverse range of stakeholders and observers
  • Objectivity
  • Factual accuracy
  • Acknowledgment that different people can interpret the same facts differently
  • No agenda is present other than a search for the truth
Aspects of 'Fake News'
  • False or inaccurate information spread by accident or design to advance an agenda, ideology or cause
  • Violations of the tenets of fairness, honesty and accuracy that define journalism
  • The inclusion of true information shaded by misleading context or facts cherry-picked in service of an agenda
  • Includes conspiracy theories, sensationalism and clickbait
  • Inflaming emotions with misleading information to stir passion for an idea, product, candidate or cause

Help us keep the news real.
We approach our work with a commitment to honesty and accuracy. But we recognize that our reporting is subject to the limitations of deadlines, available resources and human error. If you see shortcomings in our work, use this form to let us know. The Readers' Representative will investigate whether we have met our standards.

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Media literacy
To request a presentation by one of our journalists on media literacy, please contact local@sduniontribune.com.

Other resources
Visit newseumed.org/ for free learning tools on media literacy and our First Amendment freedoms.